Earn Money From YouTube Shorts Videos | Earn Money YouTube Shorts?

Earn Money From YouTube Shorts Videos
Earn Money From YouTube Shorts Videos

Hello friends, welcome to my English blog. Today I will give you information about how to earn money from Youtube Shorts.

Friends, YouTube Shorts is a new feature of Youtube which is currently in Beta Version. YouTube is working hard to promote it worldwide.

The most important thing about YouTube shorts is that views come very fast on it.

Let me clear this thing to you by comparison. You create a video and keep its length more than 1 minute and upload it to YouTube.

There is less chance of getting views on that video. But if you upload the same video fulfilling the criteria of youtube shorts.

Definitively views will come on it. The main reason for getting views is to promote shorts through YouTube.

Friends, due to more views on shorts, many avenues of earning money are opened in front of you.

Today I will explain to you that how you can earn money from YouTube shorts.

I will share many of my strategies with you, by implementing which you will be able to earn a lot of money.

Let us now start today's post.

How to Earn Money From Youtube Shorts in English

Friends, now I am going to share with you the strategy of earning money from some of my YouTube shorts.

1) Through Youtube Monetization –

Friends, if we talk about the official announcement of YouTube, then YouTube has not monetized YouTube shorts yet.

But there is a way through which you can earn money from monetization.

If the videos of Youtube Shorts are played inside the youtube shelf, then ads will not come on them.

But if that video is played in Browse Feature then Ads will run on it and you will be able to earn money.

That's why you need to monetize your channel, only then you will be able to earn money from YouTube shorts.

For monetization, you have to complete the basic policy of YouTube 1000 subscribers and watch time of 4000 hours.

Along with this, there should not be a Community Guideline on your channel that Strike.

Your 2 Step Verification should also be on.

2) By Affiliate Marketing –

Friends, it is very easy to do affiliate marketing on YouTube shorts and you will be able to sell easily here.

To do Affiliate Marketing, you have to follow the steps given by me.

1) You have to first select a product that you want to affiliate (eg - Dog Food)

2) Now you have to create a channel on your YouTube and optimize it according to your product.

For example - I will create a dog channel for dog food.

3) Now you have to download your video from pexels or any platform that provides free without copyright video.

4) Now you have to edit that video according to the criteria of youtube shorts.

5) In the next steps, you have to upload this video on Youtube Shorts.

6) You have to keep the title of this video Attractive and keep the Affiliate link of your product in the description.

7) You have to upload at least 50 videos in a channel, only then you will get good results.

(Note: - You can also write about the link of your product in your video during editing. This will give you more engagement.)

3) By promoting your channel of Niche –

Friends, this is also a very good way through which you can earn a lot of money.

But for this you have to first grow your channel which is easy to achieve through YouTube shorts.

You have to keep uploading videos continuously, your channel will grow automatically.

When your channel will grow then you can ask people to promote the channel.

With this people will come to you to promote the channel and will also give you a lot of money.

4) Through sponsorship –

Friends, sponsorship inside YouTube is achieved by looking at two things. First how many subscribers are you and secondly how many views do you get.

If you work well on shorts then by definition you will get views and subscribers.

Due to which your chances of getting sponsorship will increase and you will be able to earn a lot of money through this.


5) By Selling Products and Skills –

Friends, you can sell your product or skills through shorts.

For example, you have to make a website, you have to do SEO, graphics design comes.

All you have to do is make a short video of your skill and during editing you have to write on the video.

If you want to get website designed then contact me on this number or on this id.

If people like your skill then definitely people will contact you and you will be able to earn money.

6) By Cross Promotion –

Friends, cross promotion is a great way to promote other social media platforms and earn money.

Through shorts videos, you ask your audience to go to your social media platform and ask them to follow you.

Suppose your audience starts following you on Instagram and your followers increase on Instagram.

By increasing the followers, the brand will try to collaborate with you and you can charge money for promoting the product from them.

7) How to earn money from YouTube Shorts Fund –

Friends, Youtube has recently announced its Shorts Fund, through which you can earn money.

The question comes, what is Youtube Shorts Fund. Shorts Fund is a $100 million fund that will be distributed to eligible creators.

Shorts fund will be given to the creator on the basis of their monthly performance.

This fund will be between $100 to $10000. It will be distributed based on your monthly views and your location.
Youtube Shorts Fund Eligibility Criteria –

Friends, where YouTube is clear, this fund will be given to those creators who have created the original video.

Apart from this, there is some other requirement that I will also tell you.

1) Your channel must have at least one shorts video uploaded in the last 180 days.

2) Your content follows the policy of Community Guideline, Copyright and Monetization of Youtube.

3) Those channels on which there will be logo and watermark of third party social media, they will not be eligible.

4) You will not be eligible even if you upload Reuploaded Content and Unedited Videos of other creators.

5) Your Country should be Eligible for Youtube Monetization.

6) Your age should be eligible for Google Account policy.
How to Claim YouTube Shorts Bonus –

Friends, if you are eligible for YouTube Shorts Bonus, then YouTube will send you a notification on your email or channel.

Friends, this email will come to you in between 8 to 10 days of the month. But remember, if you do not claim it till the 25th of the month, then your bonus will expire.

Friends, to claim shorts bonus, you have to follow 2 steps.

First you have to accept YouTube's Terms and Conditions. Second you must have Adsense Account.

If you already have Adsense on your channel then all you have to do is claim the bonus. Your money will come to your account.

If you do not have an account, then claim your bonus by creating an account.
How will you receive the payment of Shorts Bonus –

Friends, if you already have Adsense account on your channel, then you will get into payment account between 21st to 26th of the month.

If you do not have, then payment will remain in your Adsense until your account is not fully active.

When your account will be fully active, your money will come in your account.

Friends, one important thing is when you will be eligible for August month bonus, you will receive its payment in September.

8) By making the channel a brand –

Friends, you have to grow your channel day and night. When your channel will grow, then there will be a line of advertiser to promote the product on your channel.

You can charge them according to your channel's Views and Subscriber.

9) Earn money by sending traffic to the blog –

Friends, in today's time many bloggers have become YouTubers, they take maximum traffic from Youtube on top of their website.

The more traffic that goes to your blog, the more you will be able to earn money through Ad Revenue or Affiliate Marketing.

10) Promote Offline Business with Youtube –

Friends, if your channel is related to food, then you can make shorts of your food recipe.

And you can write the address of your shop above the video. If people like your receipt, then they will reach your shop searching for your address.

Many offline businesses have become successful in this way.

11) By Selling Channel Membership –

Friends, when your channel is monetized, then you are also given the option of Channel Membership, which is known as Join.

You can also earn through this, you have to enable it. Anyone who likes your video will buy membership of your channel.

Through which your earning will start.
How to make money from Final words on Youtube Shorts earn from

Friends, I hope you have liked today's post How to earn money from Youtube Shorts very much.

Today I have shared my top strategy with you, you have to implement this strategy only then you can earn good money from shorts.

YouTube Shorts is the latest feature of YouTube, due to which YouTube is promoting it more.

You should work on it because from here you have a lot of chances of getting success.

Hope you got to learn something new today.

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